Outstanding Experience. In-State Price.

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校为所有州外本科生提供奖学金,因此他们将支付州内学费. With the New Nebraskan Scholarship, 非居民学生将获得最多30美元的折扣,600 on tuition over a 4-year period, matching in-state tuition rates.

Non-residents Pay In-state Tuition

With the New Nebraskan Scholarship, 非居民本科生将支付州内费率就读bet36365体育. There is no application for the New Nebraskan Scholarship; you only need to apply to bet36365体育 and the scholarship will be added to your financial aid offer. Apply to bet36365体育

2023 Tuition Rate
$216 / credit hour


$255 / credit hour Difference between in-state and non-resident tuition
$7,650 Annually
$30,600 4 - Year Period

Based on 30 credits per year. 与没有奖学金的非居民学生的平均学费相比,节省的费用是大致的.

Aspen Brandich

“In-state tuition has BEEN HUGE. 教育质量令人惊叹,小班授课为我提供了更好的机会. Kearney is very communal and FEELS LIKE HOME. I’m so glad that I chose to come here.”

Aspen Brandich

Pre-Nursing, Colorado Springs, CO

Frequently Asked Questions